Men’s Life Group
We’re passionate about helping others grow to their full potential and make an impact.

In our day and time, pornography is literally just a click away. We have access to it on our phones and computers anytime, any day we want it. Let alone, our children are seeing things way earlier than their little eyes are ready to see. I know I did and it created a lot of problems for me in the years to come. You can’t get away from it!
Men and women are inundated by sexualized images on TV shows and commercials. We are caught off guard by while streaming a show on YouTube, Hulu or Netflix. And, lets not forget how quickly Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat can get you down a rabbit hole you MAY or MAY NOT want to be down. You name it you’ve probably run across it in some form or fashion. I get it! So, what’s a man to do? Just throw in the towel, say, “I give! You win,” and be a slave to this for the rest of our live? I don’t believe so. That why it’s important to surround ourselves with other people, namely other men, who know what we are going through.
If you’re struggling with pornography and/or compulsive masturbation for very long, then, it’s likely you’ve felt ashamed about your problems. Men need a place to talk with other men about what’s going on and we need tangible answers about what to do to change this behavior. You’re not a rock so you don’t have to keep going at this alone. That’s where Life Groups can come in.
Life Groups are designed to provide a fellowship of men to help one another travel the this road called life back to sanity and healthy sexuality. They’re about helping you get your heart back so you can be in relationship with others again. What can you look forward to:
Groups will consist of six (6) men at a time
Each man is given a contract to sign saying “he will commitment to 4 months being with that group each week and will attend one-to-one counseling once a month”.
Group discussions will focus on helping men process and gain support through looking at three (3) things they could be working on:
A task he has completed from one of his workbooks: Facing the Shadows, Recovery Zone, or The Gentle Path through the 12-Steps;
Hurdles or problems you keep encountering in your recovery with feedback from the other men;
Or, 12-Steps work you are encountering.
Cost of group is $50 per session and is paid in full at the beginning of each month. The individual session is $125 per month; a credit, HSA/FSA, or debit card is kept on file with my office to ensure accurate billing practices and accountability to each man that he comes to group.
Join Our Group
If you are ready to stop wrestling with pornography and compulsive masturbation, you’re looking for other men who know what you’re going through, and you’re ready to take back life, then, call or connect with us using the Contact link below. I look forward to walking with you soon.

Get in touch
The hope and vision for Thrive is to provide a safe, encouraging space for couples and individuals to share their stories and begin to experience love and trust in new ways that will encourage authentic change.
Heal. Revive. Grow. Thrive.